So, you may ask, what is the park strip, why is it there, and what do you do with it? The park strip is the ground area situated between the sidewalk and the street in front of your home.The city’s park strips play a vital role in contributing to Salt Lake City’s urban forest, yet it is the property owner’s responsibility to maintain and landscape all park strips adjacent to their property. Additionally, these spaces provide access for repairs and maintenance to public utilities.
Eighty-one percent of Americans now live in urban centers. This means urban forests are becoming more important than ever. Salt Lake City’s urban forest comprises nearly 85,000 public trees, including 63,000 street trees and 22,000 trees that reside in our city’s parks and open spaces. The majority of these trees are located in park strips. These indispensable trees are cared for and maintained by Salt Lake City’s Urban Forestry Division. Urban trees contribute to cleaning our air, filtering our water, controlling storm water, conserving energy, and providing shade for us and our local animal life. Not to mention, they are aesthetically pleasing, strengthen social structures, and add significant economic value to our communities.
It’s a beautiful summer’s day as you walk through the neighborhood with your favorite furry friend at your side. The shade from the trees helps cool the summer heat as you pad along… sound like a lovely afternoon? We think so. And we have our vibrant urban forest to say thank you to, don’t forget to provide sufficient water for groundcover, shrubs, plants, and trees.