Summer/Fall Newsletter 2017~Utah’s Housing Shortage, Credit Scores, Micro-Activism and more


Salt Lake County’s first Bicycle highway

Bike trails have always been an essential ingredient in the Daybreak developement. There’s even an electric bicycle store, eSpokes located there to help you get geared up.

Spring Newsletter 2016~Flipping a house isn’t easy,May is National Bike Month, The Airbnb Factor, Old Windows, New Tricks and more

Winter Newsletter 2015 ~Utah Housing Forecast for 2016, Preparing your home for winter, 10 ways to stay sane while moving and more

Salt Lake City’s Open Streets May 31,2015

Open Streets events promote community pride, local business, air quality, and physical activity, while encouraging the use of streets as a public space for the community to interact.

The highest compliment of all, a happy homeowner

Thanks Shaun. I know we talked last night about being lucky because the timing on the sale, purchase, and closing of both homes went so smoothly. However,