This is the 5th year we have had the pleasure to help raise funds for our community garden gurus. Wasatch Community Gardens’ Chicken Week events run June 23rd – June 30th. Chicken Week is an opportunity for Wasatch Community Gardens and the Salt Lake City community to celebrate the joy of “eggriculture” or having urban chickens.
2012 marks our 7th annual Tour de Coops, our 3rd annual Early Bird Brunch at Squatters Brew Pub, and the ever-popular urban chicken keeping workshop on Wednesday June 27th at The Grateful Tomato Garden.
All of these events are intended to be informative as well as entertaining, and fun for the whole family. Go to to sign-up for multiple chicken week events for a week of fun, or come to one of the tours and see urban chicken keeping in action.
We’ll be there and hope to see you at one or more Chicken Week events!