Be involved. Be in the know. Be part of your community.

Most residents are unaware of the process by which land use and zoning changes occur within Salt Lake City. This process is time consuming and can be cumbersome for developers and residents. It is important to for residents to understand the stages so they can fully participate at any and all stages.

Neighborhood Community Councils are the first step in the process for projects seeking a conditional use or zoning change. Some Community Councils, such the Sugar House Community Council, have an active Land Use & Zoning Committee with meetings open to the public. They discuss proposals, make suggestions and try to solicit comments from the community. They may or may not take a vote on any given project. All comments are compiled and given to the city for the next step. The community council is an independent nonprofit organization and SLC recognizes us as a voice in the community.

Planning Commission – The Salt Lake City Planning Commission reviews and acts upon issues related to land use. Their meetings are open to the public and televised on The public is welcome to comment at any meeting. All comments received from the community council are conveyed to the planning commission. The majority of land use decisions are made at this level.

Salt Lake City Council – All zoning changes end with the City Council. They meet every Tuesday and the public is welcome to comment at every meeting. All comments from the public and the planning commission are conveyed to city council members.

We can speak up and make the changes happening reflect the investment we wish to make in our neighborhood. Find out how to get involved here.

Thank you Amy Barry of Sugar House Community Council for this information.